About Me


My name is Sheena, welcome to my food page!

I’m a South African living in New York, cooking and creating delicious recipes in-between my 9-5 as a fashion designer!

I love healthy, wholesome, conscious cooking, and have always enjoyed being in the kitchen and developing new recipes. Growing up, us kids often got involved with cooking before meal-times, and my parents always emphasized the importance of good whole food, and the wonderful things it can do for your body… so for me, cooking is something nourishing, fun and creative, as opposed to a chore.

Cooking has also led me on a different kind of food journey for the past few years, where I’ve managed to turn my health around by really focusing on the foods my body wants and ‘needs’ to feel good. With some experimentation and eliminating, I’ve discovered that cutting out dairy has rid me of my asthma, and I no longer have to use my cortisone pump (which I’ve needed since I was in my early teens)… wow! The second, and biggest win for me, was learning that eliminating gluten has drastically improved my headaches. This has been life changing, as I was getting them 4/5 times a week. I feel so much healthier and happier now, by just giving my body the rights foods. Of course I dabble here and there with both dairy and gluten, as life is about balance, but all in all, it’s two food groups that you won’t see much of in my cooking, and I’m better for it!

Being conscious about the environment is also a driver in how I cook, shop, and even choose kitchen appliances. We all have to play a part in looking after our planet, and this has a lot to do with what we eat! In my recipes, you’ll find plenty of veggie/vegan friendly options, some dairy/poultry, but no red meat, or ‘off the shelf’ processed food adaptions – whole ingredients are my go to! For me, the chicken and seafood dishes is where the ‘flexitarian’ eating comes into play.. after all, we can be gentle with ourselves and our food choices, but we can remaining conscious by eating these food groups within moderation. Sometimes, I need a good salmon poke bowl, or juicy peace of chicken! I’d love to be full veggie, but, easier said than done when gluten is not your friend! Ha!

I hope you enjoy my mostly plant based recipes, with a touch of dairy, seafood, and some chicken here and there! If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to reach out to me.. and please, stay a while! Sheena x

PS: I’m also an artist (hope you like the picture of me and my flamingo I recently painted)! Etsy shop link below if you’re feeling curious!



  1. Andrea

    Sheen I just love your website and recipes!!! Can’t wait for more. Xxxx

  2. Kimberly martins

    Love this ! Your bio radiates a beautiful sunny person and I look forward to trying these out! You’re just lovely !

  3. Kerry Farla

    Delicious – I have been looking for meat free/ dairy free recipes. And am still a firm favorite of your amazing red sauce! Been pondering for ages how you created this! I am definitely going to try out these ideas!

    1. Administrator

      Im happy you get to make this! Let me know how it tastes! x

  4. Jeanette

    Fantastic Sheena, your recipes are amazing and delicious! Beautiful Blog!

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